A’s Story
A was referred to Orbis as a day pupil as he had spent a significant time out of school and receiving part time education in an outreach setting.
He was anxious, often refusing to attend school and would not engage. He sometimes struggled with elements of personal care and independence skills.
A started his new school on a part time basis, slowly increasing the days he attended. He developed his own timetable and built trusting relationships with staff and his peers. Within a month he was able to attend school full time for the first time in years.
A had always wanted to be a farmer and so his education curriculum matched this aim. He completed lots of practical work outside: gardening, animal care and technology. As time went on his confidence improved and he participated and progress in all areas of his education. He made great progress in maths and English and started working towards GCSE level work.
By taking part in on-site work experience and wider careers education, this helped A to consider what he wanted to do. A decided to he would like to be a mechanic, and so gain his work experience started to reflect this. After a year his on-site work experience became an external placement where A thrived.
Now, A works in a garage one day a week and continues to develop his mechanical skills as well as learning what it is like to be in a place of work. Three years on from his placement starting, A has made huge strides academically, completing a maths GCSE, he excellent attendance and knows what he wants to do when he leaves schools.
‘This means the world to me. I can't thank you enough for helping me at Summergil. Thank you all!’ - Pupil.
Words from Parent:
Very proud he's doing so well and the Summergil team have done so much for him. He opens up now and talks about his feelings. It's wonderful. It's lovely that he comes home and talks about his day, where he never did before.
Parent A Parent