22nd December 2023
Orbis Partners With two Charities in aid of the Build a Bag Campaign
That's a wrap on the Orbis Build A Bag Charity Campaign! Throughout December, teams across Orbis and Priority have been filling countless Orbis bags with a variety of clothing, toys and games for children of the Noah's Ark Charity and Dreams and Wishes Charity to provide some much-needed Christmas treats!It's been amazing to see everyone getting involved in the charity campaign and doing their part in filling up bags with little surprises for the children! We are delighted to announce that over 250 bags were delivered to the charities in Cardiff and Newport this week—just in time for Christmas!A massive thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the Orbis Build-A-Bag campaign this year and helped bring smiles to the faces of countless children this Christmas! A special mention must go to The Old Vicarage's DST for helping the team with the delivery this week!